Why Us

There are multiple advantages to Catalyst Partnerships

A Catalyst Partnership can provide Operators a number of different benefits and advantages, depending on their strategic requirements:

  • Cheaper Cost of Capital – Catalyst will provide benefit to any operational partner who has a reasonable cost of equity and debt, at normalised gearing ratios – Given the Catalyst 100% development financing capability
  • Acquisition Capability – by providing customised growth and consolidation options, Catalyst partnerships provide flexible terms for rent affordability
  • Transition Funding and Support – to provide a partnership for Operators to achieve a smooth transition to an unwinding of the RADs &  “100% DAP or Accommodation Supplement model”
  • New Developments – with tailored leasing terms to provide strong financial outcomes for an Operator to early adopt a 100% DAP or Accommodation Supplement Model
  • New Funding and Partnership – on existing real properties to deliver financial positive outcomes and replace historical debt and equity structures

About Catalyst

The Catalyst solution is a fundamental change to how debt and equity is structured in the Aged Care industry.  Catalyst brings together high-quality operators and motivated long-term investors to benefit tomorrow’s Aged Care residents. With committed funding, we provide innovative, flexible funding solutions that address today’s industry challenges.

The Catalyst structure has the flexibility to work across multiple different scenarios, in both new and existing property, including:

  • Full and partial development funding for greenfield and brownfield development
  • Redevelopment and refurbishment of existing facilities
  • Catalyst sourced  growth opportunities on vacant land and existing facilities
  • Sale & lease back options

Flexible solutions tailored to meet the requirements that work for an Operator and Catalyst together in partnership.

If you are a high quality operator and wish to make contact for more information and confidential discussions please use the links provided.

Contact Us

Increasing Challenges need strong partnerships 

Core business challenges facing the Aged Care industry:

  • Declining profitability, ageing assets, reduced capital investment
  • Funding constraints impacting service delivery and the ability to maximise existing care quality
  • Growth and consolidation issues causing tensions across most sector participants

Market, regulatory and Resident changes are confronting the industry’s existence :

  • Changing funding conditions stemming from Royal Commission recommendations
  • Changing consumer and staff expectations around care delivery and physical built environments
  • Increasing complexity and acuity around future systems, impacting governance, compliance and quality

Fundamental pressures facing the Aged Care industry:

  • Increased pressure on rolling out new supply (88,100 new beds over the next 10 years)
  • Constrained debt & equity structures and declining development outlook (~5% sector bank gearing)
  • Further constraints from potential changes arising from the Royal Commission, creating opportunities

If you would like more detail on a Catalyst partnership for your specific opportunity, please make confidential contact with us now

Catalyst has found that the value of their partnerships is best demonstrated through live projects, as it provides specific terms and conditions to actual opportunities.
